Friday, July 6, 2012

Hello again!

Hi everyone!  Here I sit, after my first ministry day, trying not to fall asleep before FUAGNEM.  It was a long day *searches for semicolon*(insert semicolon - sorry, this is a Spanish keyboard) we did the drama three times.  But I should probably just pick up where I left off last time.
Training finished fairly well (insert semicolon) a couple of people don´t know their parts very confidently (unfortunately, it´s the Toymaker and his son) but I´m sure they´ll have it down in a couple of days.  The two full days in Miami felt kind of like two weeks, we packed so much into a day.  I kind wish we had more training time, but at the same time, I´m glad we´re finally here.
Man, this keyboard is confusing.  I don´t remember having this much trouble in Ecuador.
Oh, I just found the semicolon; I think I´ll leave in those other things, though, ´cause they´re kinda funny even though they are confusing.
The flight down was pretty good.  I think I slept part of the time, because my neck just suddenly really hurt after I´d been sitting there with my eyes closed. (:P)
Panama is actually cooler than Miami was, and the humidity is made more than bearable by a nice breeze that blows constantly.  It´s actually really nice, because the heat isn´t too strong and it penatrates one´s whole body...if it weren´t for the bugs, I would sleep outside on the hammock my roomies and I have on our balcony (we have a hammock...IS THAT COOL OR WHAT?*now can´t find the right-side-up exclaimation point*).  I still have to drink quite a bit of water, though, because I do so much dancing and running for my part.
Last night, after all but the last flight of kids had gotten in (our flight was nice because we had a 7:45 lobby time and arrived around 6 pm), we had an ALL WORSHIP FUAGNEM*finally finds correct exclaimation point*!!!!!  IT. WAS. EPIC!!!!!  I´ve got to learn some of our songs for UCF or UCFY; they are so powerful, I dance nearly every song.  I think most of the one´s I´ve only heard on Susie trips are our worship leader´s originals, so if you want to hear some amazing worship, look up Tommy Bailey.  The only song I know the name of that he plays for our worship is called Breathe.
So anyway, for today...
Breakfast was at...I don´t remember. *facepalm*  I´m thinking it was at 7...oh, yeah, ´cause that gave us an hour to eat breakfast, finish packing our backpacks for the day, and get to team time.  (Although my roomies and I thought team time was 8:15 because I´d told someone that it was at 8 and a leader "corrected" me and said it was at 8:15.)  For team time, we do devotionals.  These next several days we will be discussing miracles, but we didn´t do too much today because it took so long for people to gather (my roomies and I were´nt last, and in defense of the people who were, I´m not sure they knew about team time or where it was).
Our first drama performance was at a Christian school.  Before we performed I stood up and gave a short testimony (which I won´t be typing because don´t have enough internet time left).  I was glad that I told the kids during my testimony that I had a mean part, because one of my LITs (Leader in Training) told me afterwords, "You scare the crap out of me."  I basically told the kids that I had a mean part and that I would be a lot like my character if I didn´t have Christ in my life (which I totally belive is true, and I´m so glad I have Christ).  After the drama, I talked to a few of the kids (through one of our amazing translators) and blew up almost all of the balloons Cassie and I had brought.  The kids loved them!  I wish we had brought more.
Our second location was in an upper, out-of-the-way corner of a local mall.  There were a surprising number of people there by the end.  I got to talk to four business school students who were Christians.  During the drama, our sound kept fading in and out, so it was really confusing (plus we had a prop malfuntion when the Evil Magician dropped the princess´s mirror and it shattered *sigh*, but we actually did an amazing job of staying on time anyway.  God´s grace is sufficient!
Then we had lunch.  I had two sandwiches, but I should have only had one.  I didn´t even have room for dinner an hour ago because of it.  (With how little I´m eating and how much I´m dancing and sweating, I´m gonna lose a lot of weight down here. XD)
Our last location was out in the middle of a public basketball court.  The leaders and LITs figured out the sound problem and we performed.  It was a little hard to hear because the area was so open and the speaker was pointing towards the audience, but once again we did pretty well.  My sunglasses keep losing a lense when I have to throw them down in the play, and this time one of the whatever-they´re-called earpiece thingys broke, but I checked and they still stay on really well.  Plus one of my leaders has duct tape, so no problem.
And now I´m waiting for FUAGNEM.  My time is almost up, so I´ve gotta go.  Later!

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