Tuesday, July 3, 2012

It's My First Full Day in Ft. Lauderdale!

Hello, everyone!  As the title suggests, I am on my first full day here for drama training in Ft. Lauderdale.  But let me catch you up with what happened on the trip down here.
(All times are that are given are the times it was in the location we were.)
Cassie and I flew out of Anchorage at 3:35 PM on the first of July.  We arrived in Seattle around 6:30 and had lunch at a Burger King there.  Then we meandered back to our gate and took off at 10:10 for Miami.  We arrived at Miami at 6:45 AM.
Read that again.  SIX FORTY FIVE AM.  Yeah.
We didn't see anyone else wearing the green Panama shirts we were wearing before we got on the plane, which disappointed Cassie more than it disappointed me.  But when we got to our seats, two people sitting in front of Cassie saw our shirts and told us they were going too!  They were going to put their shirts on in the Miami airport.  (A brilliant idea, now that I think of it, because that would mean many hours less body oder on the shirt by the end of the trip.)  Madison and her brother Cameron also told us that they are on team 6, the same team as Cassie and I!  So yeah, it was cool.
It was a 45-minute drive from the Miami airport to the Ft. Lauderdale hotel we are staying at.  Once we arrived there (around 8 AM), Cassie and I waited for SEVEN HOURS for our room.  (Oh, and I forgot to mention that while Cassie maybe got three hours of off-and-on sleep, I had gotten maybe forty-five minutes of the same.)  So that was SEVEN HOURS where we couldn't crash, SEVEN HOURS where we couldn't shower, and SEVEN - count 'em - SEVEN HOURS where we had absolutely nothing to do.  We finally found someone with a deck of cards and played gin rummy with a teammate.
Dinner was at 6 PM, and our first FUAGNEM (Fired Up And Going Nuts Every Minute; remember that definition) was at 7.  We started with worship (lead by Tommy Bailey - LOOK HIM UP), and I was surprised to find how many of the songs I hadn't sang since last year I still remembered.  WORSHIP.  WAS.  EPIC.  This is where I learned to worship last year.  The same room, the purpose, the same leader.  This is where I learned to not care what people thought, abandon my fear of man, and just worship.  'Cause, after all, He's totally worth it.
(Side note: after worship, one of my old teammates from Ecuador tapped me on the shoulder.  She had been right behind me, but because my hair is different, she didn't recognize me until worship.  In her words, "I knew it was you, because no one else worships like that."  Shall we change that and start abandoning all to worship Him together? :) )
At 9:30, after FUAGNEM, we had drama auditions.  But before I tell you about those, I want to explain the drama.
The drama is Spellbound, a 20-minute street drama version of a Broadway-style show (I think it was called The Toymaker's Son, or something like that).  It tells the story of Christ through parallellism.  (No idea if I spelled that right or not; sorry.)
Characters: Toymaker (Father God), Toymaker's Son (Jesus), Evil Magician (Satan), Prince(Adam), Princess (Eve), Soldier (Apostle John), Spanish Dancer (Mary, mother of Jesus),  Nurse, China Doll, Clown, Baseball Player (Judas), Photographer, Kats (Roman soldiers), and Mimes (the set; if I reference something like a garden or wall, it's them).
Basic plot:  The Toymaker and his son create Toyland, a magical world where their special toys can live.  They create a toy garden, and then create two special toys, the Prince and Princess, to live in it.  But the Evil Magician who once helped them but rebelled casts a spell on the toys so that a wall is between the Toymaker and his son, and the toys.  The Toymaker's Son goes down to Toyland as a toy to break the barrier, and is killed by the Kats when the Baseball Player is charmed by the Evil Magician into betraying the Toymaker's Son.  But when the Evil Magician tries to cast his final spell on the toys, the Toymaker's Son comes back to life, banished the Evil Magician, and led all toys who loved him (including a reformed King Kat) through the break in the wall to the Toymaker.
(I'll see if I can get a video of our team doing the drama sometime, and post it after I get back.)
Casting was fun; we had to do quite a bit more of different things than I thought we would.  I was cast as the King Kat, and Cassie was cast as one of my sidekicks.
Then we went back to our room and crashed.
This morning we had the latest breakfast at 7:30, then team time (team-building games here; devos once we're in Panama) at 8:15.  Drama training started shortly afterwords.  We have spent most of the day so far learning our first scene.  It's fun but tiring; there is far more dancing in the version I'm doing this year than in the version I did last year.
Anyway, it's almost time for language training so I gotta go.  That's about everything so far.  Post later!

PS  Comments and questions welcome via the comment section or email (katiehuling@gmail.com).  Last year I had trouble getting emails, so if I haven't replied within four days, try my other email address (ilostmykeys@rocketmail.com).  Later!

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